A Pathfinder is at her most vulnerable when asleep, and having a deisnated guard allows everyone to rest safely.
While you rest a lookout keeps watch. A lookout's bonus on Perception checks is equal to your characterlevel.
The lookout immediately wakes you up (as if he had spend a standard action to do so) upon spotting danger.
There is more to learn about Golarion than most Pathfinders can conceivably remember, and a scholar who specializes in one particular subject can aid you in this task.
The scholar grants you a +2 bonus on checks with one type of Knowledge skill that you choose when you purchase this vanity, as if he had used the aid another action.
Alternatively, the scholar can attempt the Knowledge skill check for you, using a +5 bonus.
Pathfinders are often foreceul personalities who gather small retinues of underlings as their reputation grows.
These followers travel with them, taking are of menial tasks and hoping to soak up some of the glory that comes from adventuring with a member of the Pathfinder Society.
Followers gained through vanities are noncombatants, and shouldbe utilized only as flavor for a character so they don't slow down the game and overcomplicate the board with unneeded minis.
You can have a maximum number of followers equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
You may dismiss a follower at any time if you wish to gain different followers, but don't regain spent Prestige Points.
If your Charisma is lowered by an effect, this doesn't impact any followers you've already aquired, but does affect the number of new followers you can gain.