Andoran has agents and operatives spread throughout the world, willing to assist the nation's allies as they are able.
Having performed valued and extraordinary service to Andoran as a member of the Eagle Knights, you are elevated to the rank of captain and become specialized in Perform (Oratory)
You are invited into the ranks of the illustrious Eagle Knights with the rank of lance corporal.
You become specialized in Diplomacy.
You serve aboard an Andoran naval vessel, and gain a +3 bonus on Profession (sailor) checks made while you serve on any Andoren vessels.
You become invested as a knight of Andoran, gaining the title "sir" if male, or "dame" if female before your given name. You may also append "knight" onto any existing titles within the Eagle Knights if you are a member, such a "knight captain" or "knight corporal".
You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility) checks within Andoran or against Andoren subjects.
In the event that you are captured and forced into slavery, the faction mounts a rescue operation, freeing you from servitude without any material or physical effect. Any cost or penalty normally associated with being enslaved (including magical effects such as dominate person) is negated at no additional cost to you.
Your efforts to free slaves (especially halflings from Cheliax) have earned you a position among the secretive Bellflower Network, and you are considered a "tiller" in the organization.
You gain a +3 bonus on Escape Artist checks to free slaves from bondage.